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He supports 'good guy black dude image' along with Wayne Brady.

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Q: What products does Will Smith endorse?
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What products does Queen Latifah endorse?

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coca-cola Actually, It was Pepsie

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What products does Cristiano Ronaldo endorse?

Cristiano Ronaldo endorses all Nike products aswell as the Suzuki car company.

Are there any products that endorse Ultimate Frisbee?

yes there are. five ultermite is one. discraft is another.

What celebrities have done product endorsements for the Naked Juice beverage company?

Britney Spears and Haley Williams are the two biggest celebrities to endorse Naked Juice products. However, Naked Juice is currently trying to get larger stars to endorse their product.

Sentence using endorse?

I endorse Obama campaign.

What is a sentence that has the word endorse in them?

The organization refused to endorse the candidate.I endorse using X brand of laundry detergent.

What products does Kobe Bryant endorse?

Nike Coca Cola - Sprite Turkish Airlines Spalding Activision Upper Deck Nubeo Watches

Who are some Aveeno print models?

Aveeno has used different celebrities to endorse their products. Jennifer Aniston had a deal with Aveeno and modeled and did commercials for them.

Who endorse Nike?

Athletes from all sport endorse Mikes :)