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Previous Comment: He is bi-racial, being half African-American and half Italian American

Update: Actually although Vin Diesel has described himself as "definitely a person of colour" the actual fact of his own statement is that he is "of ambiguous ethnicity - Italian and a lot of other stuff". He has never met his biological father and was raised by his African-American Stepfather, Irving. So he's not actually half African-American more just Part African-American, which by the look of it has been diluted quite a bit.

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13y ago
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13y ago

He has been confirmed as being bi-racial - half African-American and half Italian-American. But he has stated he is from a very diverse ethnic background besides that, so he could potentially have some hispanic blood in him.

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8y ago

His mother's background includes English, German, and Scottish. He has never met his biological father, and has stated that "all I know from my mother is that I have connections to many different cultures". Diesel has self-identified as "definitely a person of color".

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14y ago

In a way yes, in a way no. His mother is white and father is biracial(black/white), but left the mother when young, so the mother remarried again to a black man(vin's step father), who vin consiters his father. So vin consiters himself mixed but in a way he is either called white or mixed, since he is 75% white and 25% black.

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8y ago

His mother's background includes English, German, and Scottish. He has never met his biological father, and has stated that "all I know from my mother is that I have connections to many different cultures". Diesel has self-identified as "definitely a person of color".

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14y ago

Vin Deisel's father is Black and his Mother is White/Italian.

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Diesel was born in Alameda County, California.

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