never say never
Larry Elder said that Will Smith is one of the few rappers who do not curse. Smith mentions Elder in one of his songs.
He has written 6 song
2 now but about 2 be 3 songs (whip my hair,21st Century Girl, and Rock Star)
the names are trey, willow, and Jaden smith
they made three songs as far as i know
I'm pretty sure you can download some Willow Smith songs on either iTunes or something. =)
She recorded 160 songs in her career.
1 of willow smith's songs are (WHIP MY HAIR) so go on youtube and search it and i hope you love it.
im not trying to be rude but no!the only songs she (willow smith)has is whip my hair and 21st century girl.
Connie Smith Sings Great Sacred Songs was created in 1966-06.
they rite songs about there selfs
On3 sonq !ts call3d Wh!p my Ha!r
some of them
Willow Smith can contact fellow celebrities, such as Nicki Minaj to guest star onto her songs.
she had made more than 3 songs