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Moon Stone- Evolves Munna into Musharna

Dusk Stone- Evolves Lampent into Chandelure

Shiny Stone- Evolves Minccino into Cinccino

Sun Stone- Evolves Cottonee into Whimsicott and Evolves Petilil into Lilligant

Thunder Stone- Evolves Eelectrik into Eelektross

Leaf Stone- Evolves Pansage into Simisage

Fire Stone- Evolves Pansear into Simisear

Water Stone- Evolves Panpour into Simipour

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11y ago

Zweilous is not a stone evolution and evolves at Lv 64.

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How do you make pokemon evolve in pokemon black?

Pokemon evolve when you level them up to a certain level, by trading them, by friendship, or by using stones.

What Pokemon evolve with stones in Pokemon Black and White?

Petilil will evolve with a sun stone, pansage with a leaf stone, panpour with a water stone, and pansear will evolve with a fire stone.

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What Pokemon does sunstone evolve?

Stones don't evolve

What stones evolve pearl Pokemon?

Well, this may not be helpful, but Fire stones evolve some fire Pokemon... Sun stones also evolve fire Pokemon, (Fire stone, Thunder stone and Water stone also evolve "Eevee", the Pokemon you get after completing sinnoh dex.

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What do moon stones do?

If you are talking about POKEMON then they can evolve different pokEmon.

Will weavile evolve in Pokemon black?

Weavile does not evolve in Pokemon Black.

What are all the pokemon that evolve with stones?

Eevee use stone to evolve

What pokemon evolve in black?

All the starters evolve in Pokemon Black. Many other Pokemon evolve as well.

What Pokemon do water stones evolve?

Water stones evolve: -Eevee -Lombre -Poliwhirl -Shellder -Staryu -Panpour