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Q: What techniques did William dobell use on his paintings?
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What techniques did Picasso use in all his paintings?

His paintings were oil on canvas. He also made drawings and etchings.

What techniques does Heather Duncan use?

Oil paintings of abstract landscapes.

What techniques did Van Eyck use?

Mediums, like oil paintings and naturalistic panel pictures.

Why did Salvador Dali use William Tell in his paintings?

There were multiple paintings in which Dali depicted William Tell, or included William Tell in the title of the painting, such as The Enigma of William Tell and William Tell. In these paintings, Dali uses William Tell to represent his own insecurities about his father, and the ability of a father to willingly put his own son in danger, as Dali feels his own father did.

What techniques does Bruegel use to give life to his paintings?

bruegel gives life to his painting by particularly close attention to the room costumes and broad , emphatic gestures of the characters in his paintings.

What techniques did Frida Kahlo use in her paintings?

Mainly oil paint, either on canvas or on board.

What does the use of techniques of sfumato accomplish in a paintings?

It outline's object's realistically by creating a gentle transformation from one object to another.(:

What colours did William Morris use?

William Morris uses different types of techniques such as, Lines and colours.

What techniques do people use in cubism?

In the first phase, oil painting. In the second phase (after 1912) they introduced collage.

What techniques did niccolo Machiavelli use in his paintings?

Niccolo Machiavelli was primarily known as a political philosopher and writer, not a painter. He did not produce any known paintings or art. His most famous work is "The Prince," a political treatise on leadership and power.

Witch are Leonardo da Vinci's most famous paintings?

There are only 15 surviving paintings that are universally accepted to have been by Da Vinci; this is due to a combination of his desire to use new techniques - which occasionally caused disasters!) and his procrastination. However, his two most famous paintings - and arguably the two most famous paintings in the world - are the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper.

What techniques did Rene Magritte use in his paintings?

Magritte used a highly illusionist painting technique to make the viewer think about the real object and the painted imitation of the object. In his painting "The lovers", he uses realistic painting techniques and questions the sense and meaning of the work.