it evolves into Carracosta at level 37. you can only get a Carracosta if you evolve a tirtouga.
cover fossil (or japanese translation shell fossil) then tirtouga (level 37) carracosta.
1. A Carracosta 2. A Swanna 3. A Jellicent 4. A Seismitoad 5. A Simipour 6. A Samurott Hope This Helped. Good Luck :)
( sorry it isn't much help i cant really remember.) after defeating N at the Pokemon league, go back to relic castle (between nimbassa and castelia city) and once inside you have to walk( don't run otherwise You will sink) and talk to the only women on the left there. she will say she has 2 fossils and cant carry them both and will offer you 1. i don't remember which one it is exactly but 1 of them has a tirtouga and will have to take it to the nacrene museam and talk to the guy on the right counter. after training the tirtouga a little, it will evolve t a carracosta.( when u get to the relic castle, you should save it there and THEN get the fossil. that way in case its the wrong one you will be able to re do it. you wont be able to tell what Pokemon it is until you take it to the museum)
Carracosta is #565 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Rock type Pokemon.
Carracosta does not evolve
Carracosta is #609 in the national pokedex, and it is a Ghost-Fire type Pokemon.
it evolves into Carracosta at level 37. you can only get a Carracosta if you evolve a tirtouga.
i think you shoud get haxorus because you have on dragon type pokemon
It evolves into Carracosta at level 37.
tirtouga evolves into carracosta at level 37. if you wanted to know this too, archen evolves into archeops at the same level as tirtouga to carracosta
Tirtouga evolves at level 37 into Carracosta
if its on pokemon soul silver, just use your super rod in violet city.
My team: Krookodile Braviary Carracosta Chandelure Ferrothorn
Pans age or dragonite