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Xerneas is a Fairy-typed Pokémon and is based on some kind of cervid (deer).

It is known as the Life Pokémon and the letter X is part of its design (like the eyes, for example). Also, its ability is Fairy Aura, which strengthens Fairy-type moves for all Pokémon in battle, including your opponent's Pokémon.

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What is the national pokedex number for Xerneas?

Xerneas is #716 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fairy type Pokemon.

Can you get the Pokemon Xerneas in Pokemon Y?

YEs, you can get Xerneas in Pokémon Y but trading is required.

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What are the names of the X and Y legendary Pokemon?

Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde There is also Diancie, but it is an event pokemon. You get the choice of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres depending on your starter.

Is Xerneas a rare Pokemon?

its legendary so i guess its rare

Does the Pokemon xearnas mega evolve?

Xerneas does not have a Mega Evolution.

Pokemon that begin with the letter X?

Xatu and Xerneas.

What does the ability Aura Breaker do in Pokemon?

Aura Break is the signature ability of Zygarde and reverses the effects of Fairy Aura and Dark Aura, which are exclusive to Xerneas and Yveltal, respectively. This means that the power of Fairy and Dark-type moves are decreased when Zygarde is facing against Xerneas and/or Yveltal.

What is effective to xerneas?

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What is the origin of Xerneas' name from Pokemon X and Y?

Xerneas' name came from the letter X, the Latin word cervus (deer) and possibly from Cernunnos (a Celtic god based on a deer) and/or even Ceryneian Hind (Greek mythology).

How do you pronounce the legendary Pokemons' names in Pokemon X and Y?

Xerneas = Zer - Nee - Us Yveltal = Ye - Vell - Tull.