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In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Fwakes deafeat the basilisk who lives in the chamber of secrets.

The basilisk is a legendary gigantic snake.

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Q: What type of creature did Harry Potter and Fawkes both defeat?
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Who is Fawkes father in Harry Potter?

That was never mentioned in any of the books.

What type of animal is Fawkes in Harry Potter?

a phoenix who dies by burning and is reborn from ashes.

Which is the most popular creature from Harry Potter?


Why did the bird burn in Harry Potter?

Fawkes burned up in Harry Potter 2 because he is a phoenix, and when they get old, they disintegrate and are reborn from the ashes. It's kind of creepy, actually.

What creature is mrs mason Harry Potter afraid of?


Related questions

What creature did Harry Potter and Fawkes defeat?

Harry and Fawkes defeated a Basilisk.

What creature is named Fawkes in Harry Potter?

Fawkes is a phoenix.

What type of creature did Harry Potter and Fawkes defeat?

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Fwakes deafeat the basilisk who lives in the chamber of secrets. The basilisk is a legendary gigantic snake.

Is the name of the Phoenix in Harry Potter fox?

No, the name of the Phoenix in Harry Potter is Fawkes.

What is dumbelldors pet in Harry Potter?

A phoenix called Fawkes.

Who is Fawkes father in Harry Potter?

That was never mentioned in any of the books.

What does Harry Potter have in common with the Bible?

Voldemort is the devil, and Fawkes the pheonix is an angel.

What was the question lupin asked harry in Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1?

Remus Lupin asked Harry Potter, "Harry, the time for pretending is over. Would you consider coming with us?" This is when he invited Harry to join him, Ron, and Hermione in their mission to defeat Voldemort.

What did Harry Potter do in the Chamber of Secrets?

Harry showed loyalty to Dumbledore, resulting in the arrival of Fawkes who also brought the Sorting Hat. Fawkes blinded the Phoenix and the Sorting Hat produced the sword of Godric Gryffindor, allowing Harry to stab the Basilisk and defeat it. During the fight, one of the Basilisk's fangs pierced Harry's skin. Fawkes' healing powers prevented Harry from death. Harry then used the fang to stab the diary, saving Ginny Weasley and destroying the first Horcrux.

What is Voldemort's wand core?

Same as Harry Potter's. A feather from the phoenix called Fawkes.

What type of animal is Fawkes in Harry Potter?

a phoenix who dies by burning and is reborn from ashes.

Can a patronous be a magical creature Harry Potter?
