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Q: What type of nymph is Electra?
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Is Carmen Electra tall?

Carmen Electra is 5ft 2.5in in height.

When was Electra Private Equity created?

Electra Private Equity was created in 1976.

How old is Carmen Electra?

Carmen Electra (born Tara Patrick) is 45 years old (birthdate: April 20, 1972).

What actors and actresses appeared in The Forest Nymph - 1917?

The cast of The Forest Nymph - 1917 includes: Bartine Burkett

Is there someone called Camille Electra Lewis in this world?

Yes, there is a girl who lives in England called Camille Electra Lewis

Related questions

What is the roman goddess electra's power?

Electra, the Oceanid or cloud nymph wife of Thaumas (wonders of the sea) and mother of Isis the rainbow. Electra, the daughter of Atlas and mother of Dardanos/Iasion by Zeus; a mountain nymph of Mount Saon on the island of Samothrake in the Greek Aegean. Also fostered Harmonia, the daughter of Aphrodite. Electra, mortal daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra. Electra, one of the Danaids, daughter of Danaus and Polyxo. She married (and murdered) Peristhenes, son of Aegyptus and Caliadne.

Did Demeter ever have an affair with Jason?

With Jason of the Argos, no. The lover and consort of Demeter was named Iasion also called Iasius, was, according to some, a son of Zeus and Electra, the daughter of Atlas, and a brother of Dardanus; but others called him a son of Corythus and Electra, of Zeus and the nymph Hemera, or of Ilithyius, or of Minos and the nymph Pyronia. He met and loved Demeter at the wedding of Cadmus and Harmonia.

What type of creature is calypso?

goddess nymph

What is a ninmf?

ANSWER: a nymph is a type of salomander. they are smaller versions.

What is the weight of a 1986 Buick Electra?

coupe 3147 lbs sedan 3189 lbs park ave. coupe 3181 lbs (electra) park ave. sedan 3223 lbs. (electra) electra t type sedan 3234 lbs. electra estate wagon 4172 lbs.

Who is the god of rainbow?

Iris, in Greek mythology, the personification of the rainbow and (in Homer's Iliad, for example) a messenger of the gods. According to the Greek poet Hesiod, she was the daughter of Thaumas and the ocean nymph Electra.

Is a caterpillar a nymph?

no it is not a nymph, a nymph is a mythological creature

What type of oil for harley 2005 electra glide classic?

20-50 synthetic

What is a naiad?

A naiad is a type of water nymph in Greek mythology, typically associated with freshwater bodies such as rivers, streams, and lakes. They were believed to be beautiful, young maidens who presided over the waters they inhabited.

What is the hawaiian word for nymph?

The nymph is a Greek myth. There is no Hawaiian word for nymph.

What nymph protected Zeus?


Where is the Electra Public Library in Electra located?

The address of the Electra Public Library is: 401 N Waggoner St, Electra, 76360 2134