type in, 'Emma Roberts images' or 'Emma Roberts photos' preferably in Yahoo or Google.
no Emma Roberts is not married
The actress known as Emma Roberts is related to the actress known as Julia Roberts through Emma's father, actor Eric Roberts. So Emma is Julia's niece.
Emma Roberts is a/an Actress,singer
Emma Roberts mom is named Kelly Cunningham. Her father is Eric Roberts. Her aunt is Julia Roberts.
type in, 'Emma Roberts images' or 'Emma Roberts photos' preferably in Yahoo or Google.
a white iPhone 4S or 4
no Emma Roberts is not married
WikiAnswers does not give out personal information such as home and cell phone numbers.
The actress known as Emma Roberts is related to the actress known as Julia Roberts through Emma's father, actor Eric Roberts. So Emma is Julia's niece.
My name is Emma Roberts
Emma Roberts is a/an Actress,singer
Emma Roberts mom is named Kelly Cunningham. Her father is Eric Roberts. Her aunt is Julia Roberts.
Emma Roberts was born on February 10, 1991
If you mean Emma Roberts then yes..Emma is her niece
Emma Roberts has 1 child
Yes, Emma Roberts has 1 kids