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Q: What type of spider was ruled out as an option for use in spider-man because it was too dangerous?
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What are the names of the Spider-Man movies?

Spiderman, Spiderman 2, Spiderman 3, and recently the Amazing Spiderman

Is there ever going to be a Spider Man 4what does armor Spider Man look like?

No there will not be a Spiderman 4 because it is getting rebooted to 2012. Spiderman armor looks like spiderman but exepect it is blue and black instead of red and blue

Why is Spider-Man a swinger?

because he kissed with captian america lol

Why did green goblin want to kill spider man?

Because the Goblin thought spiderman killed his father-which he didnt- So spiderman was framed.

What list of all the Spider-Man ps2 games?

spiderman web of shadow ultimate spiderman spiderman 3 spiderman 2 spiderman

How do you get Spider-Man skin?

Spiderman is fictional, you cannot get spiderman skin

Why is spidermans mask red?

Because spiderman mask is red.

How does Spider-Man get his name?

Spiderman got his name in the movie Spiderman because he was entering a wrestling match.Peter thought of the name "The Human Spiderman. But the host came up with a better name the one you know and love"Spiderman"!

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How did the Hulk transform from human to monster?

because he got bitten by a spider and turned into SPIDERMAN :b