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Q: What types of habbitats are there?
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What are gorillas habbitats?

Forest .

What are the seals habbitats?

swim in the sea

What are monkey habbitats?

In the wild like forests and the rain forests

What do the everglades provide animals with?

* provide habbitats * food * water * homes

Do Mosquitos live in solihull?

No they don't. They tend to live in warm habbitats.

Does rabbits have habbitats?

yes they normally live in holes on hills or by streams in the wild and are hunted by foxes and hunters

Are there turtles in the Mississippi river?

No there are not any turtles in the Mississippi River because there habbitats are usually in the ocean or lakes.

Where do ant mimic spiders live?

mimic spiders live in dence habbitats usually in muddy and grassy places

How does each animal benefit from its body shape?

Well, it depends what animal, because every animal is addapted to its habbitats soo....

Is there a similar diversity of animals in plants in different habbitats from the desert?

tere is 2 to be suprise, but the animas are not the same said lily and chloe