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Superman is from the planet krypton.

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Q: What us Superman home planet?
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What is superman home planet?

Superman was from the planet Krypton, which exploded just after he was launched to safety in a rocket built by his father Jor-El.

What element was named after the superman's home world?

Krypton was the element named after Superman's home planet.

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Kryptonite. Its a rock from his home planet of Krypton. :]

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What are Superman's week point?

Primarily, Superman's weakness is kryptonite, fragments of his home planet Krypton. He is also vulnerable to magics.

Why does superman leave his home when he was a baby to go to earth?

Superman's dad brought him to Earth when he was a baby because the planet Krypton was about to be destroyed. Superman was then adopted by a couple in Kansas.

Which planet does general zod come from in the man of steel movie?

General Zod is a warlord from Superman's home planet of Krypton.

What country was Superman born in?

Superman was not born in any country- he was born on his home planet and became a resident of the United States after he was sent to Earth.

What planet is Superman from?

Superman is from the planet Krypton. He is one of the last survivors from there since it exploded.

What planet did Superman originally come from?

Superman came from planet Krypton after it exploded on a rocket sent to Earth by his natural father Jor-El just before he was killed.Superman comes from the planet Krypton. He landed in Smallville, KS, where he was raised. He currently resides primarily from Metropolis. It is often depicted in the Northeast part of the US, but the exact state is rarely identified.