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Bob Mackie.

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Q: What was Lucille Ball's favorite perfume?
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What is lucille balls favorite color?

Lucille balls favorite color is blue and purple <3

What was Lucille Balls favorite animal?

Dogs. Toy poodles!

Was Lucille balls brother younger than Lucille or older?

Fred Ball was younger.

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Was Lucille balls brother Fredrick older or younger than Lucille?

Fred Ball was younger.

What is one directions favorite perfume on a woman?

One Directions favorite perfume on women is their own perfume called 'Our Moment.'

What was lucille balls biggest secret?

not a red head

What is Lucille balls husbends name?

Desi Arnaz

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What is lucille balls birth date?

August 6, 1911

Was lucille balls brother older?

No. She was 4 years older.