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Q: What was Sherlock's Holmes famous address and when did he start to live there?
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Sherlock Holmes moved into 221B Baker Street shortly after meeting John Watson. They were introduced by a man that knew both of them were looking for a roommate to share the expense. Holmes lived there from 1881 until 1903.

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One is Von Bork, a German spy, and the other is Holmes himself in disguise.

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What is Sherlock Holmes email address?

There are only two stories indicating there is a telephone at 221b Baker Street with no mention of a phone number. In 'The Adventure of the Three Garridebs' Holmes calls Nathan Garrideb to setup an interview at Garrideb's home. In 'The Adventure of the Retired Colourman' Holmes says, "Thanks to the telephone and the help of the Yard, I can usually get my essentials without leaving this room." Both of these stories are late in Holmes' career, so it is likely the phone was a late addition. NOTE: If you are referring to the 'Sherlock' BBC TV series, your question is in the wrong category.

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Theme tune to Holmes on homes?

The tune was self made for the series. The closest song to the theme tune was by Wise Guys and a song called Start the Commotion. This information was passed to me by the Holmes on Homes team Simon

When did Katie Holmes start acting?

Her first professional acting role was in The Ice Storm in 1997.