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Q: What was on sylvester stallone's hat in the movie over the top?
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Hat Sylvester Stallone film is about a seasoned hit man who wants out of the business?

Assassins with Julianne Moore and Antonio Banderas.

What movie was this line from your fired?

Cat in the hat the movie

We are trying to locate a movie my 4 year old nephew saw at school about a mouse and a hat. He thinks the name of the movie or the characters in the movie is named High Hat.?

The cat in the hat? link:

When was Cat in the Hat movie created?

The Cat in the Hat was created on 1957-03-12.

How do you get the swami hat on carnival games DS?

Say "Can I have your hat?" over and over until she gives it to you.

What is The Cat in the Hat movie ratings?


Is Cat in the Hat a play?

No it is a book and movie.

What is the name of the mariachi song in the movie the Mexican?

The Mexican Hat Dance

What is the name of the bar in the movie A Raisin in the Sun?

The Green Hat

Why does Mickey Mouse have a blue sorcerer's hat?

Mickey Mouse wears the sorcerer's hat in the movie "Fantasia".

What is the boy name in the movie The Cat in the Hat?

it was conrad

What is Dr. Seuss's favorite movie?

The Cat in the Hat