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Bride of Frankenstein

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Q: What was the name of the sequel made four years after the original Frankenstein?
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Is book 3 Dean Koontz Frankenstein out?

Nope. Maybe in another four years...

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The Power of Six

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I don't know about YOU are number four, bit there is one to I am number four, it is "the power of six"

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Webster - 1983 The Four Tops The Sequel 5-13 was released on: USA: 4 January 1988

How many times has Boris Karloff played Frankenstein?

Frankenstein. Karloff acted in eighty movies before being found by James Whale and cast in Frankenstein (1931). Karloff's role as Frankenstein's monster was physically demanding – it necessitated a bulky costume with four-inch platform boots – but the costume and extensive makeup produced a lasting image.

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yes vigil games said it would be a four part game

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The original Pledge of Allegiance was written by Francis Bellamy in 1892, and has been changed four times since. The original is 118 years old, but since the last change (adding the words "under God") in 1954 it is 56 years old.

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Two years from date of discovery of illness or injury but not more than four years from date of original procedure.

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The original drummer of The Four Seasons was Buddy Saltzman. He played with the group from 1960 to 1961.

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There will be... i mean they just cannot leave a series hanging like that and not do a sequel