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probably ill make a man out of yo learn to be a man you by: Mulan

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Q: What would be the theme song to the True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle?
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In the book the true confessions of charlotte Doyle what was charlottes reaction to Zachariahs gift?

Charlotte doesn't want to except the gift. She feels there is no need. She also feels if she gets caught with the dirk she would get in big trouble.

Why did Charlotte fear her forthcoming trial charlotte Doyle book?

Charlotte feared her upcoming trial in "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle" because she was accused of a crime she did not commit, and the evidence against her was strong. She worried about the possibility of being convicted and facing severe punishment, such as imprisonment or even death. Additionally, Charlotte was aware of the societal prejudices and biases she would have to overcome as a young female defendant in a male-dominated legal system.

How old is Charlotte Doyle in 2000?

She would be 181.

In Charlotte Doyle why did Avi mention the porters' fears?

Avi mentioned the porters' fears in "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle" to highlight the dangerous and unpredictable nature of the storm that Charlotte had to face when she joined the crew of the Seahawk. This helped to establish the setting and build tension in the story.

In the true confessions of Charlotte Doyle why did Charlotte feel like a princess at first?

Charlotte felt like a princess at first because she was accustomed to a life of luxury and privilege before boarding the ship. The special treatment she received from the crew made her feel important and valued, resembling the treatment a princess would receive.

Charlotte Doyle's father would have approved of Mr Grummage's decision?

Charlotte Doyle's father would have likely disapproved of Mr. Grummage's decision, as he prioritized his reputation and the interests of the crew over Charlotte's safety and well-being. Furthermore, Mr. Grummage's decision to punish Charlotte was unjust and lacked empathy, qualities that Charlotte's father would not have condoned.

Was Charlotte Doyle correct about the reason why the crew did not defend her?

Charlotte was correct about why they did not defend her. During the trial on the ship, Charlotte thought the crew would defend her. She had trusted them. They did not help Charlotte because they had thought Zachariah killed Mr. Hollybrass.

Why did Captain Jaggery have the crew set all the sails in the true confessions of charlotte Doyle?

so they would not be expected to be murdered

Are they going to make a movie on the True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle?

Yes! They are thinking about it! It was such a good book that they decided a movie would be good. If you Google, bing it, go to Netflix, or you will find a short clip of it. Its not for sure, but they are 87% sure there will be.

What activity did Charlotte Doyle look forward to everyday in chapters 6-9?

Charlotte looked forward to the daily activities of learning how to sail the ship and getting to know the crew members better while participating in the daily tasks on board.

Why didn't the sailors defend Charlotte during the trial in the true confessions of Charlotte Doyle?

I'm pretty sure it is because she was supposed to be traveling with two other families, but when she showed up, she found out that they weren't coming. That meant that she had to travel to America without chaperon, or anyone to keep her company. AND she would be the only female on a ship full of men. That would have been scary today, let alone back then when it would have been considered improper.

In charlotte Doyle what was the most fr ightening part of the climb?

The climb to the royal yard? Well if so it was when she fell and her foot got caught cause if it didn't she would have died.