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Q: What year did the maricle man clayton Johnson have his near death accident?
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What caused the death of former heavyweight boxer Jack Johnson?

Former heavyweight champion boxer Jack Johnson died tragically in 1946 in a car accident in North Carolina.

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Buck Clayton died on December 8, 1991 at the age of 80.

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Clayton Moore died on December 28, 1999 at the age of 85.

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Teddy Roosevelt, Coolidge, Truman and Lyndon Johnson became president by accident upon the death of the president, but were voted in for another term.

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How old is Pat Clayton?

Pat Clayton was born on April 16, 1896 and died on March 17, 1962. Pat Clayton would have been 65 years old at the time of death or 119 years old today.

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Buck Clayton was born on November 12, 1911 and died on December 8, 1991. Buck Clayton would have been 80 years old at the time of death or 103 years old today.

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No, Clarisse's death was not an accident. She was intentionally killed by a speeding car driven by joyriders out of cruelty and disregard for her well-being.

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If a person has a heart attack while driving a car and subsequently dies in an auto accident if death is caused by the accident and not the heart attack will an Accidental Death Insurance policy pay?

AnswerIf in fact the accident was the cause of death, yes. You would need a death certificate indicating the actual cause of death when you file your claim.

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No. It was an accident