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Q: When are girls become moody?
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Why do men get moody when girls PMS?

Women are moody when they are on their period because their hormones are out of whack.

Is it normal for a 10 year old girl to be moody?

Yes, pre-teens can become (very) moody. Hormones are increasing to initiate secondary sexual features and prepare both girls and boys for physical maturation.

Why are girls so moody?

it is definitely hormones. .

Why are girls moody?

Everyone is sometimes moody. Girls are a little more coz of periods n stuff. LIke they worry bout their weight, looks, what ppl fink ect.

Are girls more moody after first period?

i guess so, i had my first period yesterday and until today I'm so moody!

Are they moody when going through puberty?

Yes, many become moody. This is because the hormones , which are responsible for moods are in imbalance.

How do you understand if girls are in moody?

They don't really want to be talked to, or they want to be alone.

What soothes Laurie after a day of being moody?

B. a picnic with the March girls

Can men become moody while their girl is pregnant?

Yes they can.

How can you tell when a guy is going off you?

they become like, proper moody with you, and start flirting with other girls and don't talk to you. :S & they make exscuses not to see you. so yeah! hope that helps(:

Why do girls get moody when on their period?

our hormones are in a bunch and you dont want to mess with us when we r on our periods

How can you tell if a girls is on her period?

if she is moody or constantly going to the bathroom. or if there are "blood" stains on her clothes.