Yes and no. He dies, then comes back to life after rebuilding Festus previously and Festus than giving Leo the potion that saves his life.
Leo Valdez was born on July 7, 1997, and he is 23 years old.
Pablo Gimeno Valledor has written: 'Los Seat 124 y 1430' -- subject(s): Automobile industry and trade, Automobiles, Racing, History, Racing Automobiles, Seat automobiles
Leo Gordon died in 2000.
Leo Larrivee died in 1928.
Leo Labine died in 2005.
Leo Echegaray died in 1999.
Leo Politi died in 1996.
Leo Wollman died in 1998.
Leo Brewster died in 1979.
Leo Bourgeault died in 1978.
Leo Keresselidze died in 1944.
Leo Bogart died in 2005.