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Richard Deodatus Poulett Harris died in 1899.

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Q: When did Richard Deodatus Poulett Harris die?
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What year did Richard Harris die?

Richard Harris died on October 25, 2002 of Hodgkin's disease.

What actor who played in Harry Potter die?

Richard Harris

When did Harris Downey die?

Richard Downey died in 1953.

How did the Dumbledore in movies 1 and 2 from Harry Potter movies die?

Answer: he died??Answer: I assume you mean the actor. Richard Harris died of Hodgkin's disease, in 2002.

When did Clarence Harris die?

Clarence Harris died in 1999.

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Richard Harris died of Hodgkin's Disease, a type of cancer.

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Richard Reader Harris - KC - died in 1909.

What year did Richard Harris die?

Richard Harris died on October 25, 2002 of Hodgkin's disease.

What actor who played in Harry Potter die?

Richard Harris

When did Harris Downey die?

Richard Downey died in 1953.

Did Richard Harris die after the fourth Harry Potter movie?

no towards the end of the second harry potter movie

How did the Dumbledore in movies 1 and 2 from Harry Potter movies die?

Answer: he died??Answer: I assume you mean the actor. Richard Harris died of Hodgkin's disease, in 2002.