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Tippu Tip died in 1905.

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When was Tippu Tip born?

Tippu Tip was born in 1837.

Where wasTippu Tip born and raised?

Tippu Tip or Tippu Tib was Swahili-Zanzibari slave trader, ivory merchant, and an explorer. He was born in Zanzibar, Tanzania.

What was the cast of tippu sultan?

the caste of tippu sultan was rajpot

What is Tippu Sultan's birthday?

Tippu Sultan was born on November 20, 1750.

When was Tippu Sultan born?

Tippu Sultan was born on November 20, 1750.

Who bought tippu sultan's sword?

vijay mallaya brought tippu sultan sord,

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Who is the son of Tippu Sultan?

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Who was the father of Tippusultan?

Tippu Sultan was the first son of Hyder Ali.

When did Tip Tobin die?

Tip Tobin died in 1983.