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I believe the kids get taught on set.

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Q: When filming films like Harry Potter do the kids actor go to school or do they get taught on set?
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When did filming begin on Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone began filming in September 2000.

When did Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince finish filming?

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was finished filming on May 17th 2008.

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Filming for the 6th Harry Potter movie began on September 24th 2007 and was released in cinemas on July 15th 2009.

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Feburary 2009

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She auditioned for Harry Potter in 1999 when she was 9, then she started filming in 2001 when she was 11

Can one watch the filming of Harry Potter?

No, filming is over. There was a competition on the official Order of the Phoenix site to see a day of filming.

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You cannot contact anyone about being in a Harry Potter film. They are all complete with filming.

At which fictional school might you be taught by Professors Snape and Trelawney?

That would be Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series.

Why did they destroy the Harry Potter cottage after filming?

Maybe a waste of space...

Can you get an internship for Harry Potter?

Not anymore, filming has finished and the movie is in editing.

Harry Potter filming lasted for how many months?

Each Harry Potter movie takes nearly an year to film, edit and release.