Jazzy B (Jaswinder Bains) is 41 years old (birthdate April 1, 1976).
she is a old budi lady
cture of jazzy lyle
Jazzy Danziger was born on 1984-12-05.
DJ Jazzy Jeff was born on January 22, 1965.
Jazzy B can be said cooler. Imran khan also performs to slow songs. Jazzy B is known for his fun in songs.
jazzy black
Jazzy B (Jaswinder Singh Bains) is a Punjabi bhangra singer/songwriter.
Jazzy B (Jaswinder Bains) is 41 years old (birthdate April 1, 1976).
2 million
she is a old budi lady
It is on may 5th or 6th
Jazzy B
imran khan is the best
Yes, his name is joven bains and he is 4 years old