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Q: When should TNKase not be given post cardiac arrest?
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What is really the cause of death of Michael Jackson?

He was given Propofol which lead to cardiac arrest.

Can calcium carbonate be given intravenously?

yes, during emergency like sudden cardiac arrest

What was strange about the way Michael Jackson died?

Nothing, he was given to much of a certain drug and had a cardiac arrest.

What is a naturally occurring hormone in the body and can be given by paramedics as a first line drug in cardiac arrest patients?


How did Michael Jackson get a heart attack?

Michael Jackson did not have a heart attack. He suffered cardiac arrest after being given an intravenous injection of anaesthetic (in his home). The drug he was supposedly given (the investigation is not finished yet) is called Diprivan (propofol) and it is only supposed to be used in a hospital before a surgery.

Can diuretics be given to patient with CHF?

Depending on what caused the congestive heart failure. Normally diuretics such as caffeine are dangerous as they can lead to cardiac arrest for weak hearts.

Cardiac arrest is the same heart attract?

No, they are not the same (I have given the definitions of both below; this should help you know what each is and what is the difference between the two). Heart attack: Is caused when there is a blockage in the main arteries (coronary arteries) of the heart. Cardiac Arrest: occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating. Sorry, but Cardiac Arrest does not usually occur when the heart "suddenly" stops beating. Cardiac arrest is the worst manifestation of cardiac compromise from an acute coronary event. It happens for a number of reasons, for example if a person has had extensive bleeding and there's not enough blood within the body for the heart to pump, or when the pumping action of the heart becomes ineffective. Maybe the electrical impulses have been disrupted or the heart is not responding properly to the electrical impulses and is "twitching", most commonly known as ventricular fibrillation. That's where CPR and Automated External Defibrillation come in. If cardiac arrest occurred when the heart "suddenly stopped beating" CPR and AED's would be mostly ineffective. Time is of essence. CPR needs to be started w/in 10 minutes of the fibrillation attack/cardiac arrest, or chances are it will be too late for resuscitation. Severe brain and heart damage will have occurred by that point. Cardiac arrest victims are sometimes said to have suffered "sudden death" but that means that the patient died within one hour of the onset of the signs and symptoms. In "sudden death" autopsies typically show the patient did not really have an actual cardiac arrest but usually had significant artherosclerotic heart disease

Was Michael Jackson poisoned?

Not on purpose, his doctor kept topping it up so he could sleep and he ended up giving him too much.

After giving 40 units of vaspressine in cardiac arrest is there any need to give further epinephrine or no?

ACLS protocols allow for the use of vasopressin instead of the first does of epinephrine in the v-fib/pulseless v-tach algorithms. If vasopressin is used, no epinephrine is given for 10 minutes following the administration of vasopressin. After that 10 minutes, epinephrine is given every 5 minutes, as per the usual algorithm.

Can someone experiencing a heart attack be saved by CPR?

Yes, CPR started within 4 - 6 minutes after a heart attack when no signs of life are present will give the person a good chance of survival. As time goes beyond 6 minutes, chances of survival decrease about 10% per minute.

When should a suspect be mirandized?

A suspect should be given his Miranda warning upon arrest, as that indicates that the police intend to question him/her in their custody.