Agustín Millares Sall died in 1989.
Luis Téllez was born in 1958.
Luis Borroto was born in 1982.
Luis Francisco Ojeda was born on 1941-06-16.
Luis Enrique Bracamontes was born in 1923.
Luis Millares's birth name is Luis Millares Guerra.
Agustín Millares Sall was born in 1917.
Manolo Millares was born on 1926-01-17.
Millares's population is 503.
Manolo Millares has written: 'Millares: Pinturas y dibujos sobre papel, 1963-1971' '[Paintings]' 'Homage to Manolo Millares'
The area of Millares is 105.5 square kilometers.
Manolo Millares died on 1972-08-14.
Agustín Millares Sall died in 1989.
The cast of Cuadernos de contabilidad de Manolo Millares - 2005 includes: Magdalena Cantero Elvireta Escobio Juan Manuel Bonet Eva Millares Escobio Jane Millares Sall Totoyo Millares Sall Yeya Millares Sall Alberto Portera Lothar Siemens
Luis Rey was born in 1955.
Luis Rosa was born in 1960.
Luis Téllez was born in 1958.