Martin Lawrence was born on April 16, 1965.
martin Lawrence was born on April 16, 1965
Martin Lawrence was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Martin Lawrence is 52 years old (birthdate: April 16, 1965).
Ludacris who is in actuality named Christopher Brian Bridges and Martin Lawrence are in no way related. Christopher Brian Bridges is from Atlanta, GA and Martin Lawrence was born in Germany.
Martin Lawrence was born on April 16, 1965.
Martin Lawrence was born on April 16, 1965.
martin Lawrence was born on April 16, 1965
Martin Lawrence was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Martin Lawrence is 52 years old (birthdate: April 16, 1965).
Ludacris who is in actuality named Christopher Brian Bridges and Martin Lawrence are in no way related. Christopher Brian Bridges is from Atlanta, GA and Martin Lawrence was born in Germany.
No, martin Lawrence is not single.
Martin Fitzgerald Lawrence was born in Frankfurt-am-Main in Germany, on April 16th, 1965. His father who was in the USAF, served there.
Yes, martin Lawrence has 5 kids.
martin Lawrence has 5 children
Martin Lawrence Galleries was created in 1975.