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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - pinball - was created in 1995.

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Q: When was Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - pinball - created?
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Related questions

Who created the monster in Mary Shelleys novel frankinstein?

Doctor Frankenstein of course.

When did Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - pinball - happen?

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - pinball - happened in 1995.

Who is the Real Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein?

victor frankenstein

Where was Mary Shelleys Frankenstein set?

Ingolstadt, Bavaria.

What was Mary Shelleys most famous novel?

Mary shelleys most famous novel was Frankenstein, it revolutionised how we though of our picture of life

Who was the narrater of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein?

Victor Frankenstein was the main narrator, but some letters were narrated by Waldman

Can Mary Shelleys mothers death be linked to Frankenstein?

Mary Shelley's death was due to an infection in childbirth.

How did lord Byron influence Mary shelleys writing of Frankenstein?

He proposed a ghost-story contest among his friends.

Focusing on Chapters 11-16 of Frankenstein how does this section reshape the readers response to the monster To what extent do these chapters reflect Mary Shelleys view of society?


Who dies in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein?

In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, William Frankenstein, Justine Moritz, Henry Clerval, Elizabeth Lavenza-Frankenstein, and Victor Frankenstein (the protagonist) die. Though he does not die anytime WITHIN the novel, the monster is said to had departed for the northernmost ice to purposefully die after its creator (Victor) had died.

Who could not think of anything scary to write during the Shelleys' visit to Switzerland?

Frankenstein could not think of anything to write about when visiting to Switzerland. This was written by Mary Shelley.

Who created the monster in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?

Doctor Victor Frankenstein