Richard Stokes was born in 1897.
Mathew Moolakkattu was born in 1953.
Lennard Stokes was born on 1856-02-12.
Henry Scott Stokes was born in 1938.
William Axton Stokes was born in 1814.
Kerry Mathew Stokes
Mathew Stokes is number 27 who plays for geelong footy club. He was drafted in 2006 and is a forward. He is the second shortest on the team standing at 177cm. And just if you were wondering he is NOT Asian he is abo!
Bob Stokes was born in 1958.
Stan Stokes was born in 1950.
Jack Stokes was born in 1923.
Doug Stokes was born in 1972.
Kate Stokes was born in 1916.
Trey Stokes was born in 1960.
Alex Stokes was born in 1919.
Patrick Stokes was born in 1942.
Al Stokes was born in 1900.
Robert Stokes was born in 1908.