drummer for aerosmith
Hey Taylor W! It's Taylor B! Love the shirt you had on today! <3 HOLLISTER and alan idk when you were born?
The date today is 26th August 2012 and if you were born on 25th July 1991 you would be 21 years and one month old.
Amie Comeaux was born on December 4, 1976 and died on December 21, 1997. Amie Comeaux would have been 21 years old at the time of death or 38 years old today.
Les Aspin was born on July 21, 1938 and died on May 21, 1995. Les Aspin would have been 56 years old at the time of death or 77 years old today.
Born June 25 1990 would make you 21 today.
The calculation would be Current Year - 21 = Birth Year. To be 21 today, you have to be born on or before today's date of that year. Example: Today is June 27, 2007. 2007 - 21 = 1986. You are at least 21 years old today if you were born on or before June 27, 1986.
If you were born before today's date, 21. If born after today's date, 20.
Depends. As of 2010, 21 or 22. 21 if born after today's date.
April 18, 1991
Well, say its 2020, It is right now. But 2020-21=1999. And so on.
1992 (today = 16 March 2013).