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There hasn't been any plans for Sailor Moon to reair in the US, but the manga has been re-releasing in US, along with Sailor V.

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Q: When will Sailor Moon come to the US again?
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Will Sailor Moon come to the US?


Did Darion go to the US on Sailor Moon?

Yes in Sailor Moon Eternal.

Will Sailor Moon sailor stars come to US?

No. TOEI and Kodansha have locked the rights to anywhere outside Japan, and DiC and CloverWay's rights have expired long ago. Plus, Sailor Moon has been pulled off of the American television stations for years. The chances of it coming back are very, very low.

What made Sailor Moon end in the US?

People thought it was not appropriate for Cartoon Network.

Why didn't people show repeats of Sailor Moon?

If you are in the USA, you are not seeing repeats of Sailor Moon because no US companies have any Licenses to show the series. If you are in another country, the same reason is likely

Is Sailor Moon coming to US?

It's been out in the USA since like 1998 or something

Who is the voice of Rini from Sailor Moon?

In the US version, Tracey Hoyt provides the voice of Rini.

Why was sailor moon cancelled in the us?

well, they didn't dub any of the Sailor Moon Stars episodes because of Serena falling in love with Seiya, which was inappropriate for 'young viewers'.

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Where can you buy sailor moon toys?

toys r us does not sell them anymore since they are out of production but does watch out for scammers!

When does new moon come to Darwin cinemas?

New Moon come's out on 21st Novemeber in the US and on the 27th Novemeber in the UK.

Why are the Sailor Moon mangas out of print?

The Sailor Moon mangas became out of print because the license for the series lapsed around 2004, for both the anime and the manga. This is why you can no longer find the manga and DVDs on sale in stores. Once they became out of print, the only places to find them were trading places such as eBay. HOWEVER, the license for the Sailor Moon manga recently was renewed! So look for it in stores September 2011! The original manga, which Sailor Moon was a spin-off of, "Codename: Sailor V" has also been recently licensed, and will also come out in stores September 2011 for the US. That's not true. You can find them on Ebay or an online manga store. You just rarely see them in stores though. Although both the manga and the anime were released in Mexico, pressure from a Catholic parents' group led to both being taken off the market. The Sailor Moon mangas have been out of print in the US since around 2004. Yes, you can find them online for sale in specialty stores (sometimes) and on E-bay (for resale), but they are out of print. They license for them to be printed in the US has lapsed. The mangas were re-released in Japan a couple of years ago though with new art on the covers courtesy of Naoko herself. I doubt they will ever make their way to the US unfortunately.