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Emperor Shi Huangdi came from the western state of Qin. Emperor Shi Huangdi came from the western state of Qin.

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Q: Where did Emperor Shi Huangdi live?
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What does the term Shi Huangdi refer to?

The emperor of Qin Dynasty named Ying Zheng, who is also the first emperor in Chinese history. The historians call him Shi Huangdi. Shi Huangdi or Ying Zheng was the emperor of the Qin (pronounced chin) dynasty which attempted to conqueor all 7 warring states. He renamed himself Shi Huangdi when he became emperor

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How long was Shi Huangdi an emperor?

From 221 BCE (when he unified China and claimed his emperor title) to his death in 210 BCE, Shi Huangdi was on the emperor's throne for 11 years.

When was shi huangdi born?

Emperor Shi huangdi was born in 259 B.C.

Identify three actions the emperor Shi Huangdi took to unite China?

identify three actions that emperor Shi Huangdi took to unite China?

When did Shi Huangdi become emperor?

hungdi is Chinese for emperor, but if you mean Qin shi huangdi, it was the Qin秦-Dynasty.

How old is Shi Huangdi?

Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang, aka Shi Huangdi, was born in 259 BC and died in 210 BC (age 49). He was the first Qin emperor of a unified China.

What are facts about emperor Shi Huangdi?

hg was a great empire

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What reign did the terracotta warriors live in?

They were made for the emperor's mausoleum during the Qin Dynasty under the rule of Qin Shi Huangdi. The first emperor of China.

What are Shi Huangdi's nicknames?

Ying zhen & First Great Emperor