In the Dragon Ball Z series, Cell is an artificial life form created by Dr. Gero, a scientist from the Red Ribbon Army. Cell is a bio-engineered android composed of the cells of the greatest fighters in the universe, including Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Frieza. Dr. Gero's ultimate goal was to create the perfect warrior, capable of defeating all of Earth's strongest fighters. Cell evolves through several forms before reaching his perfect form, which is his most powerful state.
he was created in a lab by Dr.Gero. to be the 'ultimate android' but was actualy biological and made up of the cells from the strongest Z warriors and can thus have their special traits (piccolos regeneration and frieza's ability to survive anywhere) and powers (Destructo Disk and Spirit Bomb).
Easy. Cell is def ineteley a namekian.
No. Akira Toryama wrote a a manga (Japanese comic book) called Dragon Ball. Then the book became translated into English. Eventually it became a HUGE series on TV. Dragon Ball- The original series. Has the same beginning as Dragon Ball Z Kai, but after the Cell Saga alot more things happen, for instance villains named Majin Buu and Majin Vegeta and Broly and Babedi etc. around 650 episodes. Dragon Ball Z- a tiny bit shorter version of Dragon Ball, 600 episodes Dragon Ball GT- Dragon Ball everyone as a kid. Dragon Ball Z Kai- VERY short version of Dragon Ball. End at Cell Saga. around 100 episodes. If there were to be another version after Dragon Ball Z Kai, it would either be a shortened version of Dragon Ball Z Kai (kinda stupid), or some weird version of GT.
do a dragon ball z mod
that was the last saga in dragon ball z
There is never going to be a Dragon-Ball z legacy of Goku 3 but there is Dragon-Ball Z Buu's Fury which is basically what happens after Dragon-Ball z legacy of Goku 2.
[Intro] Dragon Ball Z! Dragon Ball Z! [Verse 1] Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Come get me! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Come get me! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Come get me! [Hook - instrumental] Dragon Ball Z! [Verse 2] Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Come get me! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Come get me! [Hook - instrumental] [Outro] Dragon Ball Z! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon Ball Z! Hey I dont what the lyrics of "Dragonballz".I want the lyrics of "dragonball"
Dragon Ball Z is basically the same as Dragon Ball Z except shorter so of course Cell will not win.
From Cell?
Dragon Ball Z season nine comes out in May
They made a game with cell
Vegeta kill's cell in dragon ball z
i dont know maybe ... i'll check
No, it will end on December 21, 2012 after majin buu
episode 176 FOR DRAGON BALL Z episode 89 or 88 for kai
dragon ball z Kai episode 77 will come out October 18 in typed English
It is not known when or if Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 3 will be released. Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors was first released in 2004.