

Best Answer

You Have To Go To The Boyelland island In The Volcano

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Q: Where do you find heatran on Pokemon ranger shadows of almia for Nintendo ds?
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Pokemon ranger shadows or almia How do you get the red gem?

beat heatran beat heatran

Can you catch Heatran in Pokemon Ranger?

in shadows of almia, of course.

How do you get a manaphy in Pokemon Ranger shadows of almia?

use Nintendo wifi

How do you get a heatran on Pokemon Ranger shadows of almia?

In the Volcano Cave, after you captured the boss Pokemon Infernape, go to the area where you found the red gem and Heatran appears.however after the game is finished heatran wont appear, sadly

What are the rare Pokemon on Pokemon ranger shadows of almia?

Heatran celeibi dialga palkia shaymin cressilia the four regis darkrai

Why does Pokemon ranger shadows of almia freeze on boss 9 heatran?

The only logical explanation I can think of is that yours is fake.

What Pokemon can you transfer from Pokemon ranger to Pokemon Diamond?

You can transfer Darkrai Shaymin and Manaphy from Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia to Pokemon Diamond using Nintendo wi fi connection.

How do you put Pokemon from Pokemon Ranger shadows of almia onto Pokemon Diamond or Pearl?

You have to have 2 Nintendo DS. Use the Ranger net and use the Mystery gift.

How do you get the special missons in Pokemon ranger shadows of almia?

you need to have Nintendo wi-fi on your ds

What is Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia?

Pokemon Ranger shadows of almia is a newer Pokemon ranger game

How do you get the red crystal on poemon ranger shadows of almia?

You have to capture Heatran.

What is better Pokemon ranger or Pokemon ranger shadows of alma?

Shadows of Almia