Michael Keaton was born on September 5, 1951.
Michael Keaton and Diane Keaton are not related through family ties. Michael Keaton was born with the last name Douglas, and Diane's real last name is Hall.
In the 1998 Michael Keaton film, Jack's son Charlie was played by Joseph Cross.
No. Michael Keaton's real last name is Douglas (no relation to the actual actor Michael Douglas). He adopted his last name when he realized there was another in the industry with the last name Douglas. To avoid confusion, he gave himself the surname "Keaton" after his favorite actress Diane Keaton.
Micheal Keaton is working on a movie called penthouse north and i being filmed in Ottawa, Canada
Michael Keaton was born on September 5, 1951
Michael Keaton is a/an Actor
No, Michael Keaton is not single.
Josh Keaton.
Josh Keaton.
Diane keaton
Michael Keaton was born on September 5, 1951.
Michael Keaton was born on September 5, 1951
Michael Keaton was born on September 5, 1951.
Alex P. Keaton- Michael J FoxMallory Keaton- Justine BatemanJennifer Keaton- Tina Yothers
Michael Keaton married to Caroline McWilliams from 1982 to 1990
Michael Keaton married to Caroline McWilliams from 1982 to 1990