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It is kinda tricky, but pretty easy once you've learned it. You have to use the Statues of Mewtwo to open and close doors all over the mansion. The combination to get through the first part I believe is 1. floor ON, 2. floor OFF and 3. floor ON.

Then you will be able to walk to a white platform on the second floor (Right and down). You can jump of from to places on this platform and you want to jump of the widest platform (which I think is on the left side). Now go down the nearest staircase, you will now be in the basement where the key is located.

You can see an exit when you go down, but don't use it! It will take you outside and you will have to do all this over again. Just use the Mewtwo statues to open and close doors and you will eventually get to the far left side of the room where the secret key is waiting. You can now use the exit I told you about as a shortcut and get ready to fight Blaine! :)

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13y ago
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13y ago

It is in the burned mansion The Pokemon statues are switchs

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13y ago

the secret key is inside the cinnabar's Pokemon mansion next to the gym.

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13y ago

The Pokemon mansion doesn't need a key there's a key inside the mansion in the basement.

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at the end

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Q: Where in the Pokemon mansion do you find the cinnabar gym key in leaf green?
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What can you find in the Pokemon mansion in Pokemon FireRed?

On cinnabar island. You can get to Cinnabar by using surf from Pallet Town. To use surf, you need to get Fuschias gym badge.

How do you get in the gym in cinnabar island in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You will need to work your way to the basement in the Pokemon Mansion, you will then find the Key.

Where can you get magmar in Pokemon FireRed?

You catch him at the Pokemon MansionNo, it is found in the patches of grass on Mt. Ember.You can find it in the Pokemon Mansion which is located on Cinnabar Islands.

Where is the key to the 7th gym?

Inside the Pokémon Mansion, the big building to the left of the Gym you want to enter. You have to press buttons on the statues to open and close the doors inside that mansion and reach the key.

Where is the Pokemon masion in Pokemon LeafGreen?

The Pokemon Mansion is at the top of Cinnabar Island near the Gym. There you can catch any fire types like Vulpix. You can also find Muk and Grimer.

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you find it in deep inside Pokemon mansion i think

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You will find it in the Pokemon mansion on cinnabar island.

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bottom floor of Pokemon Mansion

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On cinnabar island. You can get to Cinnabar by using surf from Pallet Town. To use surf, you need to get Fuschias gym badge.

How do you get in the gym in cinnabar island in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You will need to work your way to the basement in the Pokemon Mansion, you will then find the Key.

How do you unlock the gym in cinnabar island in Pokemon red?

Find the secret key in the Pokemon Mansion,( Next to the gym)

Where do you find the key to open the 7th gym in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You will find the key to the Gym of Cinnabar Island, From the Pokemon Mansion that is on the same island.

Where to find a Ditto in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you can find it in cinnabar's destroyed mansion. Also there are high level ditto's in cerulean cave.