The Nickelodeon show The Legend of Kora is the sequel to the show Avatar: The Last Airbender. In the show Kora does not die. The finaly episode that has been aired Kora is still alive. There was suppose to be another season but so far that season has not aired.
No. Katara marries Aang. And Zuko marries Mei. I personally go for Zutara and wished that she did though.
Azula lived out the rest of her days in Jail. Zuko, after the founding of Republic City, abdicated the throne to his daughter, the current Fire Lord. Her son, General Iroh, (not to be confused with Zuko's uncle) is a leader of the United Forces, and is a key player in the finale of the Legend of Korra.
Yes. It will be a small series called Avatar: Legend of Korra. It is about the Avatar after Aang, who has to learn how to master air-bending without any air-benders to train with.
Zuko was 16 and Azula was 14 when the show started.
No, he is Zuko's grandson.
The Nickelodeon show The Legend of Kora is the sequel to the show Avatar: The Last Airbender. In the show Kora does not die. The finaly episode that has been aired Kora is still alive. There was suppose to be another season but so far that season has not aired.
It never will.
yes there will be a second Legend of Korra series coming out in 2013
No one knows for sure but in Avatar The Last Airbender the fire book(season), Zuko was dating Mai, (not sure if they are now or not), hopefully we will find out in the Legend of Korra series. Mai did marry Zuko and they had a daughter, whoose name is unknown.
He is not. There are rumors that viewers will see him season 2.
No. Katara marries Aang. And Zuko marries Mei. I personally go for Zutara and wished that she did though.
Your just being stupid now kid but yes i play prince Zuko.
Most likely. It already has, once, in the first episode, but the question wasn't answered.
Azula lived out the rest of her days in Jail. Zuko, after the founding of Republic City, abdicated the throne to his daughter, the current Fire Lord. Her son, General Iroh, (not to be confused with Zuko's uncle) is a leader of the United Forces, and is a key player in the finale of the Legend of Korra.
John Travolta
In the show? He's Zuko's grandson and son of the new Firelord, Zukos daughter. Hes also a United Forces General who commands a fleet of ships and helps Korra and the krew. In real life? Hes the voice actor Dante Basco, also known for voicing Zuko in ATLA :)