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It is south of pallet town. u need the move Surf, to get there. hope this helped.

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Q: Where is cinnabar island in Pokemon Leaf Green?
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Can you get growlithe in the Pokemon mansion in cinnabar island on leaf green?

no. u have to trade one from firered.

How do you get to cinnabar island from seafoam island in Pokemon leaf green?

seafom island is to the right of cinnabar if you want to cheat a tiny bit fly to pallet town and surf down to reach cinnabar island. But if you want to do it the hard way you need to get the boulders inside of seafoam island to go into the water so you can reach the ladder that leads you to the exit where you can go to cinnabar from.

Where can you find mew in the cinnabar island on leaf green?

Mew cannot be caught in LeafGreen. It is only accessible through a Nintendo Event or through My Pokemon Ranch.

Pokemon leaf green where to find the key of the cinnabar gym?

you find it in deep inside Pokemon mansion i think

Where do you find Bill if you say no to his offer on cinnabar island in leaf green?

At his house or at the vermillion city port.

How does the boat on cinnabar island come in Pokemon Yellow?

That feature is unique to Fire Red and Leaf Green. Ergo, the only way to make the boat come would be to hack the game.

Where does Bill go after cinnabar island in leaf green?

Either in his house (above cerulean city) or at the vermillion port.

Where is the Pokemon mansion in Pokemon leaf-green?

Cinnibar Island Hope this helps

Where to find the gem on seven island in Pokemon leaf green?

Its not on seven island its on six island.

How do you get to 4 island in Pokemon Leaf Green?

you get to the sevii islands after you defeat the Pokemon leagu

Where is trainer tower in Pokemon Leaf Green?

Seven island in the north.

Where do you get the sapphire on island six on Pokemon Leaf Green?

you don't you get it from bill