The Fighting Dojo is to the left of the official gym in Saffron City. For the record, the Fighting Dojo isn't an actual gym, and you don't fight anyone there - you do get a Focus Band, however.
Yes, but like the original you can only pick one
Call her on monday afternoons, and she will ask for a rematch at the Saffron City fighting dojo.
Only one gym in Saffron City. The Fighting Dojo is not a offical gym.
go in the cave in the same town and there is a person there and talk to him and thay will stop fighting
There is no fighting dojo in a cave. However the Karate King, or the master of the dojo in Saffron City, is training deep inside of Mt.Mortar. Use the middle entrance to the cave (the one you need to Surf to), and bring Pokemon that know Waterfall, Strength, and Surf. You may want to bring some repels, as he is very far in the cave, and you will want to conserve your Pokemon's strength for the battle, as the Karate King is fairly strong. You will want to bring psychic Pokemon, as he will have a Hitmontop, Hitmonlee, and Hitmonchan, all weak against Psychic types.
The Fighting Dojo is to the left of the official gym in Saffron City. For the record, the Fighting Dojo isn't an actual gym, and you don't fight anyone there - you do get a Focus Band, however.
Man Caves - 2007 Dojo Cave 9-8 was released on: USA: 2 November 2012
8 and the fighting dojo
In the fighting dojo.
In Pokémon Gold, the fighting dojo master is originally found in Mt. Mortar. He uses a Hitmonchan and a Hitmonlee.
In Saffron city, right next to the gym, is a fighting dojo. Enter the dojo and beat all the trainers. Afterwards, you will be able to choose Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan from two pokeballs at the top of the dojo.yea you go to the fighting dojo and beat all those karate fighting trainers.
The Fighting Dojo Master is in Mount Mortar in the Johto Region. There are three entrances between Mahogany and Ecruteak, so take the middle entrance (and have rock climb and surf) to get to the dojo master.
after going to the fighting dojo in kanto, go to the cave between Eucrateak and the ice gym one and go to the end, fight the guy at the end and you will receive Tyrouge
It is in the fighting dojo after you beat the lady.
hoo nos
He is very deep in Mt. Mortar