Ben Affleck was born in 1972 in Berkeley, California, but he was raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Ben Affleck has 3 children
As of January 2014, Ben Affleck is alive and well.
Yes, Ben Affleck did star in Phantoms.
No, Ben Affleck is not of Jewish ancestry, nor did he convert to Judaism.
Jennifer Garner is married to Ben Affleck.
Ben Affleck was born on August 15, 1972.
Ben Affleck was born on August 15, 1972
Ben Affleck has 3 children
No, Ben Affleck is not single.
Berkeley, California. 1972
Yes, Ben Affleck is a democrat.
Ben Affleck
Ben Affleck has 3 children
Yes, Ben Affleck has 3 kids.
As of January 2014, Ben Affleck is alive and well.
Yes, Ben Affleck did star in Phantoms.