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You get a Dratini.

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Q: Which dragon form dragon's den started off life with nothing?
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How do dragon fossil form?

Dragons don't exist.

Do dragons change their form?

only if its a Chinese dragon.

How do you get your old dragon back on ds game battle of the giants dragons?

In this game, you change dragon your race when you enter different realms, so that means you look different from when originally started. When you finish the realm you change back to your original form.

Can you divine wrath Red eyes Darkness Metal dragon effect of being special summoned or only when its effect activates of special summoning dragons?

Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon's own summon does not use the chain. Because nothing is activating, there is nothing for Divine Wrath to chain to - Divine Wrath negates 'activations' of monster effects. Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon's effect to special summon other dragons though is an Ignition Effect, which is a form of activated effect. This can be negated using Divine Wrath.

How do dragons deal with humans?

Most dragons won't bother you unless you bother them. But it depends on who you are. If they trust you, they will treat you like a friend. If they don't, they will be wary until they do...if you don't get killed first. Some humans get picked as a dragon's favorite; usually humans who are kept as companions. Favorites are pampered and spoiled by their dragon masters, and are obligated to sing to the dragon and accompany them whenever they want. There are also the dragon's 'lady'; a woman who the dragons form strong and lasting relationships with.

Are all song dragons female?

It would seems that all known Song Dragons, Ammaratha Cyndusk & Karasendrieth, are indeed female. Still if that were the case how then would another song dragon be born? I would guess that there must either be Male Song dragons, who would then also have a female human form, or they would mate with another dragon breed. Perhaps copper dragons since song dragons do indeed resemble them.

What tools would you use to hunt a dragon?

dragons are no longer on earth except in the form of lizards so just about anything will kill them.

9 dragons road to dragon quest?

you get them when you join a clan, these quests come in chapter form and u will get more and more of these quests as you level

What Dragons have relations to Blue Eyes White Dragon?

Blue-Eyes White Dragon - root Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon - Fusion monster utilizing 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon - Can be Special Summoned by Tributing a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Paladin of White Dragon - Can be Tributed to Special Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon SIN Blue-Eyes White Dragon - Alternate form of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, to be released in Duelist Pack Kaiba in April 2010.

What is the meaning of 2 dragons tied together to form a circle?

It depends, but one meaning is a dragon form of the tarot card, "The Lovers". Another is Ying and Yang, a.k.a peace and harmony.

What is Dragon Magic?

Someone told me the idea for Dragons came for men. They said that the being of men is in a form of a Dragon because Dragons are fierce and brave. Also they can be docile and the being for women is a Phoenix.I didn't understand why but the belief in Dragons is only real when it is proven. According to Ursula LeGuin The Dragon language has a real connection to the things that they name and knowing the name of something (in Dragon language) gives you the means to control it. The basis for all Magic in the EarthSea Chronicles was knowing the names of things in Dragon language. Another interesting fact - humans cannot lie in Dragon language but Dragons have no such restriction and are therefore better at it than most humans. Magic that Dragons use. a more aggressive version of regular elemental magic. much more powerfull and not to be trifulled with

Who is the 5ds in yu-gi-oh?

The "5D's" in the name represents the five Signer Dragons held by the Signers. The five Signer Dragons are as follows with their respective owners:Stardust Dragon (Yusei Fudo)Red Dragon Archfiend (Jack Atlas)Black Rose Dragon (Akiza Izinski)Ancient Fairy Dragon (Luna)Black-Winged Dragon (Crow Hogan)no its not there 6 dragons not 5 you wood know this fi you watch 5d 142 where leo become the 6th signer summone life steam dragon the dragon form luna dearmso here it is right awayStardust Dragon (Yusei Fudo)Red Dragon Archfiend (Jack Atlas)Black Rose Dragon (Akiza Izinski)Ancient Fairy Dragon (Luna)Black-Winged Dragon (Crow Hogan)life steam dragon leo