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Q: Which literary device makes some details less important than they really are?
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What is the literary device where the writer describes people things or events as if they were much greater than they really are?

Hyperbole is the literary device where the writer exaggerates to create emphasis or effect. It involves describing something as larger or greater than it really is for dramatic or humorous effect.

Why The author of a humorous story has purposely made some ideas and events seem less important than they really are. Which literary device is the writer using?

The author is using understatement as a literary device by deliberately downplaying the significance of certain ideas and events for comedic effect. This technique creates a humorous contrast between the reader's expectations and the actual portrayal in the story.

Which literary device does the phrase 'clamor and the clangor of the bells' contain?

The phrase really contains two literary devices - alliteration, which is the repetition of a sound at the start of a word ( the 'cl' sound in this instance ) and onomatopoeia, the mimicking of the sound of the object in question ( bells ) in the words themselves.

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Where can literary evidence of the Nazi final solution be seen?

What do you really mean by literary evidence here? Personal autobiographical accounts? Or do you mean documents?

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that it made water really clean

What Onomatopoeia words describe the moon?

The moon is silent, therefore there are really no onomatopoetic words which describe the moon. Onomatopoeia is a literary device in which the sound of the words being used mimic the sound of the object or action being described.

What are literary DEVICES how are they different from literary ELEMENTS and give some examples like character development?

i do not really know

Are mobile phones important?

Indeed they are. Nowadays mobile phones became a really important device in most people's lives. Figures shows that Approximately 87% of people in the UK have mobile phones

When do you say that a literary is a masterpiece?

When something looks really good! :)

What are major supporting detail?

Major supporting details are pieces of information, evidence, or examples that help to further explain or prove the main idea or argument of a text. They add depth and credibility to the main point being made.