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The Sackville-Bagginses: Lobelia and Otho. They believed that they were entitled to Bag end since Bilbo had lived much longer than they thought was "respectable."

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Q: Which of Bilbo's relatives does Bilbo hate the most?
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Who are the Sackville-Bagginses in 'The Hobbit'?

In The Hobbit, the Sackville Bagginses are relatives of Bilbo. He suspects that they obtained a large number of his silver spoons that he was unable to retrieve after the auction. In The Lord of the Rings, they desire to inhabit the famed Bag End. The two most spoken of Sackville-Bagginses are Lobelia and Lotho. Lotho is eventually killed by Grima Wormtongue and Lobelia, although she survives, is stricken with grief.

Why did Gandalf visit Bilbo baggins in hobbit?

If it is in the Hobbit, it is to get Bilbo started on his adventure. If it is in the Fellowship of the Ring it is to have the ring returned to the mountain to be destroyed.

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Who was the most puzzled of all to see Bilbo?

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