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Leg Muscle

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Q: Which of the hamstring muscles did Derek Redmond tear?
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Related questions

Is a hamstring injury a strain or tear of the posterior femoral muscles?

Yes, that's correct.

What type of injury is a pulled hamstring?

In case of a hamstring injury, one or more of the hamstring muscles get stretched too far. It is even possible that the muscle starts to tear. One is most likely to get this injury during exercises such as running or jumping.

What type of injury can be a strain or tear on any of the three muscles that straighten the hip and bend the knee?

Hamstring injury'STRAIN' is damage to a muscle or tendon (whereas a 'sprain' is ligamentous and has different symptoms;there are more than 3 muscles that straighten the hip and bend the knee, but it sounds like you're talking about the hamstring group.I'd commonly call it a hamstring strain.Is that the term you're looking for?hamstring injuryhamstringHamstring

Will icy hot heal hamstring tear?


What is a right leg pain that feels like a combination of a hamstring pull and calf cramp and muscle failure?

Hamstring tear

Is a torn ligament a strain?

No, a torn ligament is a sprain. A sprain can happen when a ligament is overstretched. It can be caused by a twist or wrench. So a twisted ankle is a sprained ankle. A strain refers to when you tear or overstretch a muscle or tendon (which attach muscles to bones). This can be caused by a sudden stretch or extra effort. So a pulled hamstring is a strained hamstring.

What happens when you get a hamstring injury?

It depends on the severity of the injury and the location. A tear in the muscle or tendon is called a strain.

What is the icd9 code for hamstring tear?

Use ICD 9 728.89 Other disorder of muscle , ligament and fascia.

What is myorrhexis?

tear or rupture of a muscle myo = muscles rrhexis= tear or rupture

How to tear mcl?

You may tear your Medical Collateral Ligament (MCL) by overstretching your muscles.

What is essential for wear and tear of muscles?


How can you hurt muscles?

strain them, tear them, bruise them