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Q: While Noah was driving down the street one day he hit his neighbor's mailbox. Noah continued driving without stopping to tell his neighbor about the problem. When the neighbor asked Noah to replace th?
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What cauese a car to stop while driving?

The brakes are the primary cause of stopping a car whilst driving.

Your next door neighbor runs a homeday care business the noise is driving you crazy what can you do?

you can ask your neighbor to quiet down the children

Is it worth stopping overnight on the driving trip from Boston to New York?


What should you expect at your drivers test?

Driving, turning, and stopping. Thats about it.

Can the repo guy harrass you into stopping when you are driving the vehicle?

As a general rule of thumb, no.

How many times the normal stopping distance if it begins to rain while you are driving?

The normal stopping distance can increase by up to two times when driving in the rain. This is due to reduced traction on wet roads, which can lead to longer stopping distances and increased risk of accidents. It is important to adjust your driving behavior, increase following distance, and slow down in rainy conditions to stay safe on the road.

Would you be consuming more fuel when driving at 120 kph 130 kph or stopping and starting?

You would consume more fuel when driving at 130 kph compared to 120 kph due to increased air resistance. Stopping and starting frequently in city driving consumes the most fuel due to acceleration from a standstill.

When temperature drops below freezing how much should stopping distances while driving be increased?

Stopping distances while driving on ice or snow can be up to 10 times longer than on dry pavement. It is important to increase following distance and reduce speed to allow for the longer stopping distance when temperatures drop below freezing. Additionally, using winter tires can help improve traction and decrease stopping distances.

Did cole and Dylan sprouse ever have accidents when driving?

Cole did back up into his neighbor's car before.

What is the driving distance between Newark NJ and Halifax Nova Scotia?

About 15 hours, and that is without stopping.

Will steph go to jail in the show neighbors?

I'm sure she goes to jail for 6 years for culpable driving

Driving at 70 kilometres per hour in a 60 zone will increase your stopping distance by how much?

10 metres