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Queen Mary, Elizabeth's sister. She burned many Protestants at the stake and forced her sister to attend Mass.

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Q: Who Queen of England tried to restore the catholic church?
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Is queen religious role?

The Queen is head of the Church of England. This dates back to Henry the eighth when he broke away from the Catholic church and proclaimed himself as head of the Church of England.

What caused religious conflict during the renaissance?

Corruption in the Catholic Church! Also the validity of King Henry VIII marriage to Queen Katherine of Arragon. Resulting in England's break from the Catholic church and the creation of The Church Of England,among other things.

When did Queen Elizabeth restore the protestant kingdom?

In 1559 Queen Elizabeth I re-established the Protestant Church in England; so1558-1603.

Was Queen Mary a Catholic?

Yes, Queen Mary I of England, also known as "Bloody Mary," was a devout Catholic. She attempted to restore Catholicism in England during her reign in the mid-16th century, leading to the persecution of Protestants.

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Queen Mary I practiced Catholicism. She was a devout Catholic and attempted to restore Catholicism as the state religion of England during her reign.

Is Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary II a catholic?

no she is the head of the Church of England (Episcopalian)

What exactly is the Anglican religion of the royal family of England?

'Anglican' religion is the religion of the Church of England, which is a Reformed Catholic faith that acknowledges the King or Queen as the head of the church, not the Pope. It was formed in 1534 by King Henry VIII.

Was the royal wedding Catholic?

No. No English royal has been Catholic since Henry VIII. He began the Church of England when he defied the Pope in his marriage to Ann Boleyn. It is against English law for a King or Queen of England to be Catholic. So, the wedding yesterday was in the Church of England.

Who is the catholic who became king of England?

From the foundation of England up to Henry VIII, all monarchs of England were catholic. After Henry VIII only his daughter Mary was a catholic Queen all the rest have been Church of England protestants.

What religion is the English royal family?

The is no current King of England nor Queen of England as Queen Elizabeth II is queen of the United Kingdom. The Queen is married to the Duke of Edinburgh who was not able to take the title of King. The Queen is Supreme Governor of the Church of England which is a reformed Catholic church. The Duke of Endnburgh was born in Greece and renounced the Greek Orthadox faith to become an Anglican.

Who excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I from the Roman Catholic Church?

No one. Queen Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII. King Henry couldn't have a son, so he broke away from the Roman Catholic church to form his own church, that allowed divorces. The Church of England was what Elizabeth was born into.

Should there be a catholic queen in Scotland?

Queen Elizabeth II is queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - which includes Scotland. Her religion is Church of England.