In Chapter 3 of The Hunger Games Katniss and Peeta are talon into custody by the Peacekeepers. Katniss says her goodbyes, and Madge who gives her the Mockingjay pin for her token. After the visits Katniss and Peeta are taken to a train where they are fed. They also watch recaps of the Reapings.
Chapter 3 in the Hunger games is taken place in the justice building in district 12 after Katniss has voulnteered for Prim at the reaping and Peeta Mellark has been chosen the peacekeepers take them there to say bye to friends and family.
The top 3 main protagonists are Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, and Gale Hawthorne
There are three books in the Hunger games series: 1. The Hunger Games 2. Catching Fire 3. Mockingjay
page 41 :)
it is page 34
In Chapter 3 of The Hunger Games Katniss and Peeta are talon into custody by the Peacekeepers. Katniss says her goodbyes, and Madge who gives her the Mockingjay pin for her token. After the visits Katniss and Peeta are taken to a train where they are fed. They also watch recaps of the Reapings.
Chapter 3 in the Hunger games is taken place in the justice building in district 12 after Katniss has voulnteered for Prim at the reaping and Peeta Mellark has been chosen the peacekeepers take them there to say bye to friends and family.
The top 3 main protagonists are Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, and Gale Hawthorne
There are only 3 Hunger Games books.
chapter 1- gives a little bit of background information and then tells about the reaping and prim gets chosen to go into the hunger games chapter 2- Katniss volunteers for prim and then Peeta is chosen for the male competitor. chapter 3- Katniss and Peeta are taken to the justice building and people come in to sat goodbye to them. Afterwards, they are put on a train and haymitch throws up.... chapter 4-
24 chapters is wrong . There are 27 in each book
3. 1-The hunger games. 2-Catching fire. 3-Mockingjay
THG (The Hunger Games) or I suppose, The HG .
the hunger games, catching fire, mockingjay.