Martin Trujillo was born on April 13, 1980, in Mexico City, Mexico.
Libertad de Trujillo was created in 1939.
Mario Trujillo García was born in 1920.
Omar Trujillo was born on 1977-11-09.
Valentin Trujillo was born on 1951-03-28.
People believed that the Chinese had taken their jobs
Dios y Trujillo in other words " God and Trujillo"
Jason Trujillo's birth name is Jason D Trujillo.
Michelle Trujillo's birth name is Michelle Clare Trujillo.
Abran Trujillo is 6'.
Héctor Trujillo died in 2002.
Fabián Trujillo was born in 1986.
Massacre of Trujillo happened in 1988.
CF Trujillo was created in 1942.
María Trujillo was born in 1959.
Guillermo Trujillo was born in 1927.