

Best Answer

Power Tool Dragon is the trump card of Leo. It is thought to be a powerful Spirit Monster as it frequently helps guide Leo throughout the series.

power tool i shell for life steam dragon it signer dragon who was destoey by the immrals rex good win said so in japens that life steam dragon wad destoeyed by them and reborn witch is power tool when Leo become signer in 142 power tool armor is riped off he become life steam is reborn as it slef again

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Q: Who controls power tool dragon on Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's?
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I think it will be the Majestic Star Dragon and Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Raschqa tins.

Is power tool dragon one of the five dragons in Yugioh 5'ds?

No they are Stardust Dragon, Red Dragon Archfeind ,Black Rose Dragon, Ancient Fairy Dragon ,and Black-winged dragon* *Black-winged dragon becomes one after crow becomes a Singer. * Later Leo becomes a signer and Power Tool Dragon transforms to Life Stream Dragon making it six dragons

Is the power tool dragon in yugioh 5ds is the 5th signer dragons?

No, Power Tool Dragon is the trump card of Leo, who is not a Signer. Luna only told him that it might be the fifth Signer Dragon. In reality, Blackfeather Dragon is the fifth, and is owned by Crowworng dude Leo is a signer watch 5d 142 you see he becomes the 6h signer his new dragon is life steam dragon power tool is the 6h dragon his amror fells off he become new 6h dragon

How do you unlock powertool dragon on Yugioh stardust accelerator world championship 2009?

Power Tool Dragon is not an available card or opponent in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009.

How do you get Power Tool Dragon in Stardust Accelerator?

Unfortunately, Power Tool Dragon is not in Stardust Accelerator.

Which booster pack is 'Power Tool Dragon' in?

Power Tool Dragon was in packs of Raging Battle.

What dragon do you synchro summon by tuning with power tool dragon?

You can synchro summon Life Steam Dragon by tuning a lvl 1 tuner with Power Tool Dragon. ;)

How do you get power tool dragon in Yu-Gi-Oh 2010?

You should try getting the power tool dragon tin

Does Power Tool Dragon negate Sangan's effect by killing it in Yu-Gi-Oh?

No, Power Tool Dragon has no such negation effect.

What is the password for power tool dragon?


Is 'Power Tool Dragon' a 'Morphtronic Monster'?

In game terms, a "Morphtronic Monster" is a monster with the word "Morphtronic" in the name. Power Tool Dragon does not have Morphtronic in the name, so cards that work specifically on Morphtronic Monsters (such as Morphtronic Radion) do not work on Power Tool Dragon.

How do you get power tool dragon?

Power Tool Dragon can be found as an Ultra Rare, Ultimate Rare, or Ghost Rare in the Raging Battle booster pack. You can also get a collector's tin with Power Tool Dragon on the cover to ensure that you pull one; it would be a Secret Rare.